Messages of love from the world turtle community!
Celebrating ARCHELON's 40th Anniversary we have received warm messages from the turtle community worldwide
My hearty congratulations for all your contributions to marine turtle conservation and science!
Professor Frank V. Paladino, President of The Leatherback Trust, Director of The Marine Conservation & Biology Center of Excellence, Purdue University, USA
CONGRATULATIONS! A few years ago, after reading Anna's book "This is what I would like to tell you" (marking the 30th anniversary) I was convinced more than ever that ARCHELON should have permanent support from the EU - and the UN-, and moreover. Every delegation of these auspicious international organizations must participate in at least a couple days' fieldwork every year with ARCHELON volunteers. There could be no better way to build and strengthen much needed collaboration between diverse people.
Dr Jack Frazer, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC, USA
Congratulations ARCHELON! For many more years!!!
Dr Jesús TOMÁS, Unidad de Zoología Marina, Instituto Cavanilles de Biodiversidad y Biología Evolutiva, Universitat de València, Spain
Much as I would love a little trip to Greece to celebrate with you I will not be able to, but many congratulations! What an amazing achievement!
Professor Annette C. Broderick, Chair in Marine Conservation, Centre for Ecology and Conservation, University of Exeter, UK
Congratulations ARCHELON! I am sure that this is a “life commitment”, and I really admire your work for such long time!
Neca Azevedo Marcovaldi, PhD, Diretora Nacional Conservação e Pesquisa, Fundação Projeto Tamar, Brazil
Congratulations for the 40th anniversary of ARCHELON. I am happy of having collaborated so many years with you (over 30 yrs) and, like many other conservation organizations, benefited from your very sound work. I will never forget my first visit to the beaches of Zakynthos, the thrill of seeing a turtle lying eggs. I wish you all a most success celebration and all the very best for the next 40 years.
Eladio Fernandez-Galiano, Secretariat of Bern Convention, Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France
Congratulations for this anniversary and the work done. The large increase of loggerhead nesting in western Mediterranean sea that we observed these last years is (I believe it!) certainly not disconnected with the conservation effort you manage since all these years in the eastern Mediterranean!
Claude Miaud, PhD, Directeur, Centre d'Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Evolutive, France
Congratulations for this anniversary and your conservation efforts done along 40 years. Hope you will continue!
Mohamed Nejmeddine Bradai, PhD, Director, Institute of Marine Resources, Sfax, Tunisia
Congratulations ARCHELON!
Dr Burak Ali Çiçek, Eastern Mediterranean University, Northern Cyprus
My most sincere congratulations for all the decades of work to better understand, publicize and protect sea turtles from your country Greece with your leadership. Just as Greece was once a light that illuminated culture in the Mediterranean, ARCHELON has also been our role model for many years in this field of research and conservation that we are passionate about. On behalf of the Spanish Society of Herpetology and on my own, my warmest congratulations on this happy 40th anniversary.
Juan A. Camiñas, PhD, Asociación Herpetológica Española, Spain
Wonderful to hear about the 40 years of ARCHELON! Congratulations and all the best for your celebrations.
Professor Kartik Shanker, Indian Institute of Science, Centre for Ecological Sciences, Bangalore, India
Congratulations! Your group has done fantastic work over the past four decades!! Enjoy your well-deserved celebration!
Jeanne A. Mortimer, PhD, Victoria, Mahé, Seychelles
Congratulations on 40 years of amazing success! I first visited you in the late 1980s, back when you were dealing with thugs on the beach. Unfortunately, I cannot make the 40th anniversary celebration, but I have the day marked on my calendar. There will be glasses lifted in Hawaii on November 8, to celebrate the many accomplishments of ARCHELON!
Professor Brian Bowen, Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology, University of Hawaii, Kaneohe, Hawaii
Forty years later: the world of ARCHELON has expanded
When the past becomes a lighthouse for the future
- OUR NEWS12/02/2025
Online Presentation of Results 2024
Last year, 500 volunteers from all over the world came to help turtles in Greece! What did they achieve? Join us to find out!
- OUR NEWS11/02/2025
Historic Green Sea Turtle Nest Discovered on Rhodes Island, Greece
This species is globally endangered and the recent discovery is particularly significant as it suggests a possible shift in green turtle breeding areas.
- OUR NEWS04/02/2025
Joanne's Lifelong Passion: volunteering at the ARCHELON Sea Turtle Rescue Centre
Joanne's lifelong passion for sea turtles led her to volunteer at the ARCHELON Sea Turtle Rescue Centre in Greece, where she dedicates her time to educating visitors and contributing to the organization's conservation efforts.
- OUR NEWS02/02/2025
2 years of joint systematic efforts to protect Greece's largest wetland
- OUR NEWS28/01/2025
The ARCHELON Recap for 2024: We kept on fighting for Sea Turtles and the protection of the Oceans
2024 was the year that the recovery of the loggerhead sea turtle breeding population in Kyparissia Bay has been confirmed! This site now hosts the largest breeding population in the Mediterranean, which has been growing steadily in the past years thanks to the consistent long-term nest protection efforts of ARCHELON. It was also the warmest year globally on record when, on the side of our heavy core business workload, we made time to strengthen our commitment to volunteerism and sustainable tourism.
- OUR NEWS20/01/2025
Thank You to our 2024 Field Leaders: The Heart of Sea Turtle Conservation
At ARCHELON, we owe much of our success to the dedication and passion of our Field Leaders. These incredible individuals guide our volunteers throughout their work in the field, ensuring that our mission to protect sea turtles is carried out with precision, care, and enthusiasm.
- OUR NEWS16/01/2025
The sweet side of healing: Why honey is a secret weapon for saving injured sea turtles.
The antibacterial and antimicrobial properties of honey help fight infections in open wounds, a common problem for injured sea turtles.
- OUR NEWS18/12/2024
An injured Loggerhead sea turtle returns to the ARCHELON Rescue Centre with plastics in its digestive system.
Greece has made progress in cutting down on plastic bag use, but we all need to do more. Sea pollution from plastic is still a major threat, harming both people and marine life.
- OUR NEWS06/12/2024
ARCHELON is on the Frontline of Sea Turtle Rescue in the Mediterranean.
For the first time, we have conducted CT scans for accurate diagnoses and started special blood tests and ultrasounds to monitor the health of sea turtles under our care.
- OUR NEWS03/12/2024
Summer 2025: Lead the Way in Sea Turtle Conservation and become a Field Leader with ARCHELON!
A limited number of experienced and capable volunteers are selected each year for the positions of Field Leaders on the ARCHELON projects. Applications and short CVs for 2025 are now accepted!
- OUR NEWS25/11/2024
Make this gift-giving season more magical: Adopt a Sea Turtle for your loved ones!
Whether it's for the wildlife lover in your life, or someone who cares about the planet, an adoption from ARCHELON is a present that keeps on giving.
- OUR NEWS18/11/2024
A Nest of Hope: Keanu's Journey with ARCHELON
Keanu Groeneveld, a Wildlife Management student from the Netherlands, recently completed an internship with ARCHELON at the Sea Turtle Conservation Project in Rethymno, Crete. His experience was more than ever expected; it was a transformative journey that ignited his passion for wildlife conservation.
- OUR NEWS12/11/2024
Turtle protection through satellite trackers: TUI Care Foundation and conservation organisation ARCHELON release sea turtle in Greece
Triton was released back into the Mediterranean Sea with a satellite transmitter after several months of rehabilitation at ARCHELON's Sea Turtle Rescue Centre. As part of the TUI Turtle Aid programme, the initiative aims to contribute valuable insights into sea turtle behaviour.
- OUR NEWS11/11/2024
A very exciting nesting record confirms the recovery of the Loggerhead population breeding in Kyparissia Bay, Greece!
This year, ARCHELON has recorded a new nesting record: 6,700 Loggerhead nests in the core nesting area of Kyparissia Bay.
- OUR NEWS28/10/2024
A wildlife symbol turned into a macabre tourist attraction
Αn embalmed Loggerhead sea turtle was found on public display in front of one of the Kastos island’s taverns.