Population data & Conservation reports

What we do

Threats & habitat protection

Studies from all over the world has shown that beaches with sunbeds, bright street lights, noise and presence of humans during the night make it difficult for sea turtle to nest.

Also, many human activities that may occur throughout the year, have been observed to have negative impacts on the sand composition of nesting beaches, thus affecting nesting success. These include:

  • sand compaction by vehicles,
  • seaweed and litter removal from beaches by heavy machinery,
  • dune destruction by removing sand for constructions,
  • planting of trees on the beach and road construction.

Furthermore, coastal engineering projects may cause erosion and width reduction of the sandy nesting beaches. Lastly, any construction on the beachfront will accelerate coastal erosion, alter coast dynamics and bring about the degradation of nesting beaches.

The beaches with significant breeding populations have been included in the European Ecological network Natura 2000. In 1999 the National Marine Park of Zakynthos was created and in 2018 the Nature Protection Area of the Kyparissia Bay was established. In these two areas, special protection measures apply to the sea turtle habitats.

In the rest of the nesting areas, the Municipalities can grant the tourist use of the beach to local businesses, as long as the application of simple protection measures is ensured during the nesting and hatching period of the sea turtles. These actions include:

  • the removal of beach furniture (sunbeds) after sunset,
  • beach clean ups without the use of heavy machinery,
  • the prohibition of vehicles on the beach,
  • the reduction of light pollution and
  • the prohibition of night parties on the nesting beach.

Tourist activity is present on all nesting beaches in Greece, therefore the cooperation of the tourism sector in the implementation of the above measures is essential. For this reason, in all ARCHELON projects an effort is made to cooperate with the local authorities and businesses. At the end of each nesting season, reports are made public on the observance of the protection measures on the beaches with the largest numbers of nests.

Protection measures include the removal and stacking away of sunbeds, turning lights off or reducing them to a minimum and minimal human presence on the beaches during the night. We conduct actions to raise awareness among visitors and businesses on all ARCHELON field projects.

Coastal engineering projects may cause erosion and width reduction of the sandy nesting beaches. Any construction on the beachfront will accelerate coastal erosion, alter coast dynamics and bring about the degradation of nesting beaches.

Before each nesting season, ARCHELON teams visit the sites and inform local authorities on pressures from human activities. At the end of each season we publish reports on the implementation of protection measures on the major nesting beaches.

What we do

Conservation reports

  1. Kyparissia Bay

    Conservation efforts at the nesting habitat of Caretta caretta in Kyparissia Bay, Greece

    Download the 2023 report
  2. Download the 2022 report
  3. Zakynthos

    Conservation efforts at the nesting habitat of Caretta caretta in Laganas Bay, Zakynthos, Greece.

    Download the 2023 report
  4. Download the 2022 report
  5. Crete

    Conservation efforts at the nesting habitats of Caretta caretta in Crete, Greece

    Download the 2023 report
  6. Download the 2022 report
  7. South Peloponnese

    Conservation efforts at the nesting habitats of Caretta caretta in south Peloponnese, Greece

    Download the 2023 report
  8. Download the 2022 report

Tourists and turtles– “TUI Turtle Aid Greece” project by TUI Care Foundation and ARCHELON

In the face of continuous touristic activity combined with coastal erosion and climate change, there can be no future for sea turtles in a number of nesting sites, without more active involvement of the touristic sector. Tourism may significantly affect turtle populations, however it can also be a force for positive change when managed responsibly.

For four decades, ARCHELON has been at the forefront of protecting sea turtle nesting beaches in Zakynthos, Kyparissia, Lakonikos, Koroni, Rethymno, Chania, and Messara. Many of these areas, diligently monitored by volunteers each year, are increasingly affected by tourism. Zakynthos and Crete, in particular, have transformed into globally renowned tourist destinations. In a bid to minimize this impact, ARCHELON has undertaken public awareness initiatives, including presentations in hotels, information kiosks, and directly on nesting beaches for the last 30 years. Amongst others, TUI Care Foundation has supported our public awareness and information activities in a number of past projects.

Starting from the summer of 2023, ARCHELON implements the three year project “TUI Turtle Aid Greece” by TUI Care Foundation and ARCHELON, which includes, amongst other actions, an innovative component: the pilot implementation of a Turtle-Friendly Certification program for hotels, that aims to promote the protection of sea turtles and their habitats by engaging the hospitality and tourism sector. It encourages sustainable development in tourism, offers guidelines for businesses committed to turtle conservation, and helps tourists make eco-friendly choices when selecting hotels and excursions. This certification system is designed collaboratively by the TUI Care Foundation, TUI Turtle-Aid partners, and tourism stakeholders to ensure clear communication and a business-oriented approach. Project Partners in this process include Project Biodiversity in Cape Verde, DEKAMER in Turkey, and ARCHELON in Greece, all dedicated to sea turtle conservation.

ARCHELON is undertaking a proactive role in piloting this initiative, with a specific focus on hotels situated on nesting beaches in Rethymno and Chania. In collaboration with ECOCLUB, who are providing the expertise of external sustainable tourism specialists, the project is expected to support and guide the selected hotels through the implementation process. Furthermore, the project is supporting activities such as nest protection on heavily frequented beaches and the enhancement of public awareness campaigns. Additionally, an ARCHELON research team is to conduct a survey of sea turtle nesting activity on the island of Rhodes, contributing to the ongoing Sustainability Lab Initiative on Rhodes, in collaboration with TUI Care Foundation.

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