
Every adoption represents hope, and a wish…that everything will be all right

There is great power in the image of a turtle entering the water and slowly but steadily swimming away from the shore, while the divers of ARCHELON follow it at a distance. The anguish of the volunteers on the shore is evident until they see one of the divers signaling success from afar. Then joy overwhelms them because everything went well.


The turtles that have been so far released to sea from the Rescue Centre in 2021 have reached the number 31. "In every release we tried to invite people who support our work, so that they can feel its joy," says Daphne Mavrogiorgou, Director of ARCHELON.


«We deeply thank all those who helped, from the moment each turtle was found and transported to the Rescue Centre, until its release, and especially our volunteers and supporters. We would also like to express our warm thanks to The Natural Environment and Climate Change Agency (NECCA), for supporting our actions within the project "Treatment and rehabilitation of sea turtles in the natural environment" for the period between October 8, 2021 - December 31, 2021, but also for the valuable presence of Ms. Dionysia Hatzilakou at the release of "Rachel" and Mr. Nikolaos Karavas at the release of "Valentine" and "Moon"» said Dimitris Fytilis, manager of the Rescue Centre.

Sixty adoptions of sick or injured turtles and several donations contributed to the costs of caring for the turtles in 2021. The adoptions were made by companies, individuals, but also schools, such as the 5th Primary School of Kalymnos. Their support in rescuing these animals is significant.


Sea turtles are an indicator of a healthy marine ecosystem. The presence of plastic litter in the sea, the transfer of micro plastics in the marine trophic webs, overfishing, abandoned nets and fishery equipment as well as climate change, are threats to the turtles as to the wellbeing of humans. Sadly, humans are also threatening sea turtles directly. Almost half of the turtles arriving at the Rescue Centre are deliberately injured by humans.

Every adoption gives hope and a wish to solve the problem, so that everything will be all right. Adopt a hatchling, a mother turtle, or a sick / injured turtle for Christmas now.

You can see how on our website.

See our list of supporters for 2020-2021.



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