Satellite tagging

Our actions

Satellite tagging

During 2018-2019, a team of experienced researchers of ARCHELON placed satellite transmitters on female sea turtles, with the aim of investigating their inter-nesting movements and their post-nesting migrations in the Mediterranean. This activity was implemented in south Kyparissia Bay.

Work started in June 2018, with placing satellite transmitter tags on 9 nesting female turtles and their trajectories are shown in the first map below. In June 2019 satellite tags were placed on 12 more nesting turtles and their trajectories are shown in the second map. Note that each satellite tag transmits until it is detached from the turtles’ carapace, for up to 2 years.

For 2020-2022 ARCHELON’s satellite tagging activities focus on male turtles with the aim of investigating whether they inhabit the nesting areas of the females or they reside in different areas, requiring conservation. The implementation areas are Amvrakikos Gulf (foraging area) and the bay of Kyparissia (breeding area).

In October 2020 ARCHELON’s team placed satellite tags on 3 male turtles in Amvrakikos Gulf. Another 5 male loggerhead sea turtles were tagged In the summer of 2021. Their trajectories are shown in the third map below.

The MAVA Foundation, located in Switzerland, has kindly provided funds to ARCHELON in order to carry out this activity in the framework of the project “Conservation of Marine Turtles in the Mediterranean Region”.

  1. 2020-2022
  2. 2019
  3. 2018

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