ARCHELON is a non-profit organization dedicated to the study and protection of sea turtles and their habitats in Greece.

Its activities combine scientific research with volunteer work and aim, through information and education, to activate society for a better and sustainable planet. Since 1983, it has been systematically recording the nesting of the loggerhead sea turtle and protecting nests on the most important nesting beaches in Greece, making ARCHELON's loggerhead sea turtle nesting and protection projects in Zakynthos and Kyparissia Bay among the longest-running in the world. Since 1991, ARCHELON, with the help of port authorities and citizens, has been recording sea turtle strandings and operates the Sea Turtle Rescue Network. At the Sea Turtle Rescue Centre of ARCHELON in Glyfada, Attica injured, or sick sea turtles are brought from all over Greece, where staff and trained volunteers provide care. After their recovery, the sea turtles return to the sea. Additionally, the Centre organizes educational and informative activities for thousands of students and visitors each year, highlighting sea turtles as a symbol for the protection of marine biodiversity.

  • Vision- Mission

    There are 7 different sea turtle species in the oceans of the world. Unfortunately, over the last 200 years, humans have made their survival hard. Here is why :

    • Slaughtered for their eggs, meat, skin and shells, sea turtles suffer from poaching and over-exploitation.

    • They are often victims of accidental capture and death in fishing gear.

    • Plastic marine litter affect their health.

    • Tourism has a negative impact on their nesting sites.

    • Climate change is causing global sea level rise so narrow nesting beaches maybe lost under sea water. Also sand temperatures will be altered, affecting the sex of hatchlings.

    Because of these, all species of sea turtles are considered conservation dependent. Two species are listed as "Critically Endangered" by IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, while one is listed as "Endangered", three are listed as "Vulnerable" and one as "Data Deficient". Notably these characterisations can be changed in the course of only a few years with notable example that of the Northwest Atlantic leatherbacks whose population went from "Least Concern" to "Endangered" in 6 years.

  • ARCHELON's vision is that these threats are removed and sea turtles continue to exist as part of nature

    Threats are removed= humans understand, accept and respect Nature= undisturbed ecosystems, high quality of cultural landscapes.

    ARCHELON designs and implements projects and actions for the conservation of sea turtles and their habitats, combining scientific work with volunteering service and aiming at mobilizing society through awareness and education for a better and sustainable planet.

    We can all live together, this is the motto of ARCHELON since 1983!

Who we are

Our People

The Board

  • President: Thomas Arapis
  • Vice-President: Dimitris Dimopoulos
  • Treasurer: Giorgos Valais
  • Secretary: Lenio Margaritouli
  • Advisor: Rania Spyropoulou
  • Advisor: Alexis Sachinides
  • Advisor: Giorgos Chiras
  • Assistant Committee: Mariana Dimitriou, Olga Dretakis, Alexandros Dritsoulas
  1. Director

    Daphne Mavrogiorgos

    T: 2105231342
  2. Research Coordinator
  3. Legal & Statutory Issues Coordinator
  4. ARCHELON's Rescue Centre Officer
    Rescue Centre Officer
  5. Rescue & Rehabilitation Officer
  6. Rehabilitation Assistant
  7. Field Projects Coordinator
  8. Photo of Pely Tsousi the Project Manager of West Peloponesse
    Project manager for west Peloponnese
  9. Project Manager for Zakynthos
  10. Project Manager for south Peloponnese
  11. Project Manager for Crete
  12. Volunteers Officer & ESC Coordinator
  13. Rescue Center Vet
  14. Financial Monitoring Officer
  15. Accounting Officer
  16. ARCHELON's education officer, Anna Kondoleon
    Education Officer
  17. Education Assistant

    Elisavet Machaira

    T: 2108982600
  18. Communications Officer
  19. Public Awareness Officer
  20. Sustainable Tourism Officer

How it started

Once upon a time...

In the summer of 1977, Dimitris Margaritoulis, Anna and their children, while on vacation in Zakynthos, they noticed for the first time some strange tracks in the sand. Until then there was no scientific record on sea turtle nesting in Greece. In 1984 the dedicated volunteers of the Association for the Protection of the Sea Turtles began the annual monitoring and protection of nests in Zakynthos and in Kyparissia Bay. The methodical work, love and respect for the environment of the first "turtlers", paved the way and made Loggerheads a symbol for the protection of nature in Greece.

  1. Thanks to the will, the persistence, the patience, the influence, the contribution of so many people and our good luck, ARCHELON made it to here and it seems we are continuing the journey even further. We continue with respect to each other, devotion and responsibility, based on the knowledge and experience gained. Sea turtles are our starting point and direction and through them we come to touch the many social and environmental challenges of the world. Let’s try to answer this: who would we be without ARCHELON?

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